Friday, July 22, 2011

Happy Birthday Jordan


Today is Jordan's Birthday, and sadly I can't be there- but maybe after you heard some background info on my wonderful way of truly making it Jordan's Birthday you might understand why this might be expected.

Since I am the only girl in the family and I rule and everyone (Mom and Dad) loves me the most. I can really make or break a Birthday in my family.
It all started when on Jordan's birthday, we planned to go to dinner as a family. And uh-oh- my hairdresser, who I had been long awaiting to see had a last minute cancellation and so of course I had no choice right?

So Jordan's Birthday was postponed... oops.
I think this exact situation happened two years in a row..
except I had an appt. the next year.

The next year I fell in love with a boy and decided to marry him. Well Jordan's Birthday was really close to my wedding day... and there were so many things to get done and do that oops. Jordan's Birthday became the day that I went through the temple... So he was so lucky to get to celebrate that special day for me with my family and Jeff's. Oops.

Jordan has kind of been a little kid trapped in an adult body for some time now. He is a huge jokester! And was a very naughty little boy. He was ALWAYS getting in trouble! When I was little I just remember everyone used to get away with EVERYTHING by just saying Jordan did it, and my Mom usually believed it.

So Happy Birthday Jordan!


  1. Pretty sure John has an unhealthy obsession with Jordan because of the scooter shop. It's kind of embarrassing.

  2. Haha! I love that! Does John work there? Yeah the scooter shop is his pride and joy!
