Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Happy Birthday Little Brother

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday dear Willie!
Happy Birthday to you!

Today is Will's Birthday! He is turning 21!
It's pretty insane that he is that old...

Will and I are only a few years apart and so we have always been pretty close.
We went to elementary together, highschool, and now college.

Will and I really know how to push each others buttons and we do this often. Every time we get together I am always running away from him. And I always get mad at Jeff for not protecting me.

One time he bet me I couldn't do 500 sit ups- so on the way home from Logan I did 500 sit-ups.

And when we were little he used to pile up under pillows and blankets and then I would jump on him to see if he could feel it- sad, but he still does that. Only he calls Moby to see if Moby can burrow and find him.

Will has given me stitches on my lip, I shoved a newly sharpened pencil in his back. We watch HGTV together and he teaches me how to cook healthy food. And he helps me with math, and even my friends when I' not there. Love him!

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